The idea of the movie “The life of David Gale”, from my point of view, reflects a very clear example of Capital punishment. The message of the movie, in my opinion, is to show how the Capital punishment can be a problem for innocent people if the justice system makes a mistake, by showing how a professor, who is against this punishment, is falsely accused and killed because justice didn’t get to analyze all the evidences of the situation. And I am in total agreement with it.
Firstly, when a person is accused of committing a crime, the Justice can make a mistake, because, maybe, evidence that show that the person is innocent is missing. Or maybe, in extreme cases, it can be a set up to make the person appear guilty by another one who wants to take revenge on him/her. In the worst of the cases, this finish in dead sentence, but also there are inocent people, who are falsely accused and ends up their entire life in prison for an error, which is also a terrible situation. But what happens in the movie, as I mentioned before, is that the professor who was finally innocent, suffers this accusation and gets killed because some evidence was missing.
Secondly, no one deserves to die, whatever they have done. People can learn and regret what they’ve done with help. Because a person who committed a crime has problems, and in some cases they may have a psychological disease, and nowadays there are lots of experts who can help criminals and change their way of thinking. So in this case, I will make use of the Theory of Rehabilitation, that implies that criminals need to be reformed, and helped because in a way they are sick. For example, a person who rapes a little girl, is not mentally healthy, so killing that human being, won't be the solution.
Thirdly, killing a person makes every person who is in favour of this punishment, a murderer. Because, if you kill a criminal, because he had committed the crime of murdering someone, you are playing the same role he/she played, no matter if it is legal or not.
In conclusion, I am against Capital punishment, because I think that nobody deserves to be killed. So, as I said before, I completely agree with the argument of the movie, mainly because this punishment leads to a lot of horrible consequences, like loosing an innocent life, maybe letting children without a their mother or father, etc. And also that every criminal can receive help and become better, which can benefit a society because you are not taking away a life, and you are helping a person who can become a worker able to contribute in economy, or maybe you are saving a family of the pain of living without a father, a mother, or a son.